The Super New Team

Meet the team behind Super New City comics:

Michael James Meara
Michael Meara
2D Illustrator and Animator

Creator and Illustrator of the Super New Universe, including Super New City, SNC: The Agency, Giraffe Fist, and Captain Omega.

Boston Cartoon Company Writer Stephen Feterowski cartoony bio pic
Stephen Feterowski

Stephen is the writer of Super New City: Rise of the Cactus and Super New City: The Agency.

Boston Cartoon Company 3D artist Paul O'Brien cartoon bio pic
Paul O'Brien
Editor, Letterer

Paul is the Editor of Boston Cartoon Company stories. Paul is also a 3D artist, check out his work at the link below!

Boston Cartoon Company 2D artis Chris Watson cartoon bio pic
Chris Watson

Super New City: Rise of the Cactus was colored by Chris Watson.

Boston Cartoon Company 2D artis Patrick Gama bio pic placeholder
Patrick Gama

Super New City: The Agency was colored by Patrick Gama.

Boston Cartoon Company logo
Boston Cartoon Company, LLC

Publishes Super New City comics. Boston Cartoon Company also provides illustration, 3D animation, and creative consulting.